Friday June 27, 2003 - Official Raw Preview

From wwe.com:

What's Next For Kane?
Fans and WWE Superstars alike have spent the past five years wondering what is under the mask of Kane. They need not wonder any longer. The big red monster finally revealed his face to the world last Monday on RAW, and it was not a pretty sight. As many suspected, Kane's appearance was not that of a GQ model. In fact, it was rather grotesque.
So now that Kane has revealed exactly what he has spent a lifetime hiding, where does he go next? Will he go into hiding? Or will he face the world? When we see him again, will he still display the same level of ruthless aggression he did last week when he chokeslammed his friend Rob Van Dam? All these questions and more will be answered this Monday night on RAW on The New TNN -- America's first network for men.

Wednsday June 25, 2003 - Percy Pringle a.k.a. Paul Bearer Speaks Out

Hey Kanenites, I Just wanted to let you know that Percy Pringle, better known as Paul Bearer has written a column for his website (www.percypringle.com). about Kane's Unmasking this past Monday Night on Raw. CLICK HERE to read it.
I would also like to here the thoughts of the Kanenites on the recent events (i.e. Kane Unmasking)... Email your comments to mattitude@usa.com, or join the Gorilla Position Forum and voice your opinions there.

Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 2 of the Picture Gallery
- 1 New Kane Wallpaper
- 3 New AIM Icons
- 1 New Wallpaper in the Kanenites Section thanks to Charlie
- Added a link to percypringle.com
- Added a link to fingereleven.com

Tuesday June 24, 2003 - Kane's Hidden Face Reviled!

Kane shows his face to the worldWell Kanenites, It finally happened... The moment that you have either been looking forward to or dreading for the past five and a half years has happened. Last night on Raw, live from Madison Square Garden, Kane removed his mask. Witch unfortunately for Kane fans means that Kane did not win the World Heavyweight Championship from HHH. Last Night left me with a lot of Questions. Will Kane wear the mask again? Will Kane wrestle without a mask from now on? I don't know. One thing's for sure.. Kane will never be the same again. They say the change is inevitable... We'll have to wait and see what this all means for Kane in the long run.

Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 1 of the Picture Gallery
- 1 New Kane Wallpaper

Tuesday June 17, 2003 - Kane Heads to MSG to Face HHH

Kane has a choice to makeFinally Kanenites, something interesting happening with Kane. Now that Kane and RVD lost Tag Team Titles at Bad Blood to Le Resistance (and the Rematch on Raw the next night) it is time for Kane to start working on a singles career again. I was thinking maybe a run towards Christian and the newly reinstated Intercontinental Championship... But it looks like the Next stop on Kane's path is New York City's Madison Square Garden. The Prize, Triple H and the World Heavyweight Championship. On Raw Kane had the opportunity to join HHH's new faction, Evolution, or get a shot at The Game and his prestigious World Title. Kane chose the latter. But there is a danger... If Kane looses the match, he will have to unmask in front of the world. This has got me very interested in what is going to happen. What can this mean for Kane and his loyal Kanenites? I can't wait to find out. I know I will have my VCR ready this Monday.

Site Updates:
- 10 New Pictures on Page 12 of the Picture Gallery
- Pay-Per-View History Updated for Bad Blood
- Quoteable Kane section Updated
- Championship History section Updated
- Added a link to WrestlingBrowser

Thursday June 05, 2003 - Raw Thoughts and Site Updates

Stone Cold tries to find the 'Old Kane'It has taken me a couple of days to soak in the magnitude of what happened with Kane on last Monday's Raw. At first I was confused. Why was Stone Cold trying to pick a fight with Kane. But then I realized that if Austin could light a fire under Kane's ass so to speak, then Kane would go back to being the unstoppable monster that he once was. Stone Cold was right in some of the things he said. The old Kane would never be kept down by one shot to the nuts. I can't wait till next week to see what is gonna happen if Kane and Austin meet face to face again. But I have a feeling that the Tag Team Champions are gonna suffer if Kane goes postal. Perhaps Kane will develop a kind of Incredible Hulk persona.. "You wouldn't like me when I'm Angry."

Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 12 of the Picture Gallery
- 6 New AIM Icons

Sunday June 01, 2003 - Site Updates, Bad Blood

As of last Monday's Raw (witch was crap compared to the previous Raw), Kane and RVD are set to defend the World Tag Team Championship against La Resistance at the up coming Raw exclusive Pay-Per-View Bad Blood.
As for site updates, just a couple... There are 4 new pics on Page 12 of the Photo Gallery. There is a new Photo of the Month, as well as a new poll question. CLICK HERE for last months Poll Results.

Monday May 19, 2003 - Judgment Day, Raw and More

Oh My God, What a great Raw tonight! The Best in a long time. It defiantly made up for the Judgment Day being so bad last night. Speaking of Judgment Day, I have updated the PPV History with Kane's short appearance in the IC Title Battle Royal (Thank God that title is back). But that means that Kane is no longer the last man to hold that title, but that only means he can hold it again. But back to Raw, tonight Kane and RVD defended the Tag Belts against Jericho and Christian (with cool new hair). Even though this match ended in a DQ, it was still an awesome match. As for site updates, there are 6 new pics on Page 12 of the picture gallery. That's about it for now, so, catch ya later Kanenites!

Saturday May 03, 2003 - Kane News

Just a few quick little tidbits of information for ya.. In case you missed it, Kane and RVD defeated legondary Tag Team The Legion of Doom on Raw on Monday. This only serves to further cement Kane and RVD as a legetimate Tag Team on Raw. Also on Raw it was anounced that Kane will be compeating in the Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship at Judgment Day. Also the WLW Figure league's current episode features a match between Kurt Angle and Kane, so head on over to www.wlwrestling.cjb.net and check out the current episode of WLW SmackDown!

Saturday May 03, 2003 - Site Updates

Hey, Kanenites, It's been a little while since I last updated. I have been working on a new Action Figure Wrestling Federation called WLW (Waste-Land Wrestling). You can check us out at www.wlwrestling.cjb.net. You can also fint it in the links section of this site. Other site updates include, 5 new pics on page 11 of the photo gallery. There is a new Photo of the month, and a new Poll for the month of April. Click Here for the results of last months poll. As you probably already know, Kane & RVD defended the Tag Team Titles at Backlash, The PPV History section has been updated as well. Also congradulation to Kane & Rob for retaining the titles on Monday night after defeating HHH and Ric Flair.. That's it for now, folks, and please Check out WLW, It's really cool.

Saturday April 26, 2003 - Happy Birthday Kane!

I just wanted to say real quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY to The Big Red Machine. And also don't forget that Kane & RVD are set to defend the World Tag Team Titles against the Dudley Boyz at tomarrows Pay-Per-View, Backlash. Thats about it for now.... Catch ya later Kanenites!

Friday April 18, 2003 - Site Updates

Not a whole bunch of stuff to let you know about... Although Kane & RVD are still holding down the fort with their Tag Team Titles after defending them agains Storm and Morely last week on Raw! I just added 5 Pictures to Page 11 of the gallery. I also just wanna say that I am very pleased with the fan reaction to The Gorilla Position Posting Board. If you haven't checked it out yet, Head on over to see what you're missing out on. Thats about it for now, so until next time stay down Kanenites!

Saturday April 12, 2003 - Site Updates

Just a couple of quick updates to tell y'all about... There are 10 new Pictures on Page 11 of Pictures. There is also 1 New Wallpaer. And lastly, I just added 3 New AIM Buddy Icons. Thats about it for now. And don't forget to check out The Gorilla Position for FAN-tastic discussion with other WWE fans.

Tuesday April 08, 2003 - The Gorilla Position

For those who missed it, Kane was booked in a handicap match against The Dudleyz. Kane was looking good in the match until he was defeated due to the outside interference of Chief Morely and Lance Storm.
On another note, you may notice that ther is a new link on the navigation section called "The Gorilla Position" . This is a brand new forum for wrestling fans from the creators of TheChokeSlam.cjb.net, The Lionsault 2k1, and several other wrestling sites. This is BRAND NEW, so head on over and grap a user name and Password.. and shoot the breeze with other wrestling fans.
And lastly, there is a new Kane Item available on wweshopzone.com. It is an exact replica of Kane's new mask. You may have seen this item before on eBay, or on other sites, but now you can grab yours form the official WWE on-line store. CLICK HERE to get yours now.

Thursday April 03, 2003 - Brand Spankin' New Layout!

I have updated the look of the site a bit. I am currently working on two new sections. First a section for Kane's Championship History. And, speaking of Champions, I just added a new Kane Wallpaper. And Second a section called "The Fire Still Burns". This will be a monthly column, written by me. So be sure to check back soon for those updates.

Wednsday April 02, 2003 - Site Updates

Just a couple of New update for everyones favorite Kane Site to announce, Kanenites. First off, there is a new section called Quoteable Kane. In this section you will find a listing of some of Kane's most memorable quotes from over the years. Also I have just added a brand New Kane & RVD Wallpaper in the Wallpapers section. Thats about it for now, but look for some new AIM Buddy Icons in the next couple of days or so.

Tuesday April 01, 2003 - RAW has NEW World Tag Team Champions!!!

Kane & RVD Capture Tag Team Gold!On Last Night's brodcast of Monday Night Raw, Kane and Rob Van Dam defeated The Dudley Boyz and Chief Morely/Lance Storm to become the New World Tag Team Champions for the Raw Brand. And in celebration of Kane's new found goldage, I have decided to start updating TheChokeslam.cjb.net again. So, with that said, I have a few small updates for the site to announce... I updated the Pay-Per-View History section with all the 2003 PPVs to date. I have updated Kane's Bio to include his new Championship, as well as a few Kane tid bits. There is a new Poll question for the month of april at the bottom of the page, so be sure to cast a vote before you leave. CLICk HERE for the last poll's results. And lastly, TheChokeslam.cjb.net has a brand new title logo (I hope you all like it). Hopfully there will be a lot more updates to come in the coming weeks.

Wednsday December 18, 2002 - Armageddon, Raw and Beyond

Kane ChokeSlams Jamal to hellHello Kane n ites, as you probably know by now, Kane was not victorious at Armageddon in his match against Bautista. How ever he and Rob Van Dam were able to pick up a victory this past Monday night on Raw in a handicap tag team match against Three Minute Warning and Bautista. Speaking of Armageddon, I have updated the PPV History section. With that said, I must admit that I am not very happy with the way the WWE is using Kane. Now with the signing of Big Poppa Pump to Raw, I fear that Kane will slip away in to even deeper mediocrity. I think one thing that would defiantly help him out would be to turn heal. Kane is great as a Face, but I think that his greatest potential can be reached as a bad guy. Which brings me to my next point, I have updated TheChokeSlam.cjb.net’s Poll, with a new question: Should Kane turn heal? So click on the link at the bottom of this page to cast your vote. You can CLICK HERE for the results of the last poll.
Kane Quote of the Week: "It's not a small world! It's an Ugly, painfull world!"
Photo Courtesy All4Kane

Monday December 9, 2002 - The Loosing Streak Ends

Ok, Yes I know it has been a while since my last update (again) this time the video game that has been keeping me away from my PC has been Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. This is another great game in a long line of MK video games. So I would recommend fighting gamers out there to run out an grab it or since Christmas is just around the corner, may Santa Claws will bring it to you.
But with Kane kicking so much ass on Raw tonight, I had to come online and say it. The last time Kane won a match was on November 11th, and that was by disqualification in a tag team match. So its kind of hard to watch every week, Kane getting his ass kicked. But tonight not only did we get to see Kane win a match, but he won a Handicap match against 3 Minute Warning. He also had another one of his classic comedy moments when he poked fun at Chief Morely’s previous gimmick Val Venis.
With WWE Armageddon this Sunday on Pay-Per-View, Kane has not yet been officially named in a match, but from what it looked like tonight on Raw, I wouldn’t surprise me if Kane and RVD team up to face Ric Flair and Bautista or maybe 3 Minute Warning. I personally would rather it be Flair and Bautista. Well that’s it for now, maybe later in the week, I will add a new wallpaper or a few AIM icons or something (Depending on how long I can put down my PlayStation controller).
Kane Quote of the Week: "I think it sucks... to be Three Minute Warning"

Thursday November 21, 2002 - Loose Ends...

Kane enters the Elimination ChamberFirst of all, I must apologize for not updating the site in more than a week, but I have been real busy lately. Ok so I have just been playing the new Smack Down Shut Your mouth video game for PS2. This is an absolutely awesome game, and every WWE fan should run out and get it. Kane’s new outfit is not selectable in the game, but all the parts for it are in the Create a Wrestler mode, so the new Kane can easily be created.
Lots of stuff has happened since last I updated, but no real good news I’m afraid. Kane’s team lost on Super Tuesday last week. And whilst the Elimination Chamber match at Survivor Series was a spectacle in and of itself Kane was unable to walk away with the title as Chris Jericho eliminated him after a barrage of finishers. On Raw Kane was scheduled to take on the legendary Ric Flair, but he was attacked by Bautista. This could be the beginning of a very interesting feud. Bautista and Kane would be one hell of a knock down drag out slobber knocker to steal a line from Good Ole J.R.
As far as updates go, not to much (remember I have been playing games all day) I finally updated the PPV History Section with Survivor Series.
Photo Courtesy All4Kane

Monday November 11, 2002 - Kane Kicks off RAW

Kane and his New Partner, Rob Van DamRaw Started off with a bang tonight as Mr. Hellfire himself, Kane teamed up with Rob Van Dam to challenge Chris Jericho & Christian for the World Tag Team Championship. Although Kane and RVD won the match (via DQ) they were unable to capture the Tag Titles tonight. Also don’t forget to check out UPN Tuesday night (11/12/02) for WWE Super Tuesday. Kane will be involved in a big 10 man Tag Match.
Photo Courtesy All4Kane

Thursday November 7, 2002 - WWE Raw Preview

According to Raw.WWE.com, Kane will once again have an opportunity to capture Tag Team gold on Monday Night Raw. As Kane will team up with Rob Van Dam to challenge Christian and Chris Jericho for the Tag straps. Good Luck Kane!

Monday November 4, 2002 - Kane Digs It on Raw

SUCKA!!!All right Kanenites, not a whole lot to talk about after tonight’s mediocre broadcast of Monday Night Raw. Kane and Booker T were victorious in a tag team match tonight against Triple H and Chris Jericho. Booker T picked up the pinfall victory over HHH after the interference from Shawn Michaels. Which brings me to a little bit of concern about Kane’s chances of coming out of Survivor Series with the World Championship. HBK has accepted the invitation to compete in the Elimination Chamber. Which leads me to believe that the match will come down to HBK and HHH. But I could be wrong… At least I hope I’m wrong.
Kane Quote of the Week: "Yeah, I can dig that... SUCKA!!!"
Photo Courtesy All4Kane

Sunday November 3, 2002 - New Kane Items at WWEShopZone.com

Just a real quick bit of information for the Kanenites… Now at WWEShopZone.com you can order a New Kane Mask and a Kane's New Fingerless Glove. So head on over and get yours now!
And don't forget, if you are going to be in or near Boston on November 4th, Kane, The Hurricane, Spike Dudley and Al Snow will participate in a Smackdown Your Vote! rally at Northeastern University's Krentzman Quad at 12 p.m. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Curry Student Center, 2nd floor.
Also, I would just like to acknowledge the great response I have been getting for the new Kane Message board: Kanenites Unite. Remember that everyone is invited to join the fun, so hit up Kanenites Unite and create your account today!

Friday November 1, 2002 - TheChokeSlam Updates...

- There is a new Poll Question (located at the bottom of this page) for the month of November. Click HERE for the Results from October's Poll.
- I have moved My Wallpapers to their own section, and added 1 new Kane Wallpaper. And since Kane fans are usually Taker fans also, I added 1 New Undertaker Wallpaper.
- Added 3 New AIM Buddy Icons.

Wednsday October 31, 2002 - Happy Halloween!

First of all, I would Like to wish eveybody a very Happy Halloween. And for all the little Kanenites out there that plan on going out Trick-Or-Treating tonight.. Remember to be safe, and have an adult check all your candy before you eat it. But Beyond all that, have fun!
- I made a New Kane Wallpaper. It is now up in the Kanenites section.
- There are 4 New WWE.com Pics and 1 New Scan on Page 10 of the Picture Gallery.
- I just added 6 Brand New Kane AIM Buddy Icons.

Wednsday October 30, 2002 - TheChokeSlam Updates...

- From now on, I will be listing the Updates in the News section. It is a lot more organized this way.
- There is a NEW Kane Wallpaper in the Kanenites Section.
- There are 5 NEW Pictures on Page 10 of the Picture Gallery.
- Also, I just want to remind everyone to check out the brand new Kanenites Unite Message Board. Join today and show the world that you are one of the millions of Kanenites!

Monday October 28, 2002 – Raw - Kane in a Casket Match

Kane Shuts the Casket lid on HHHOkay Kanenites, lots of stuff to talk about after tonight’s broadcast of Monday Night Raw. It started off with HHH. Apparently when we all saw the trunk open when Kane drove off last week, The Game was able to escape. I thought it just popped open from HHH pounding on it. He conducted an interview with the mannequin (dressed as Katie Vick). The Hurricane then interrupted him with some mock-up footage of his own. I don’t want to go into all the details, but it was pretty stupid. Kane then came out and proceeded to kick the crap out of HHH. The Main event for Raw was then made… It would be Kane Vs. Triple H in a Casket Match! What a perfect match for the last Raw broadcast before Halloween.
Kane and The Game had one hell of a Casket match. Kane put on a performance that would rival classic Undertaker Casket Matches. Just when it looked like the advantage was slipping towards Triple H, HBK emerged from the casket and laid some Sweet Chin Music upside The Game’s chin. Kane then sat up (in classic Undertaker fashion) and rolled HHH in to the casket. He then slammed the lid down and secured the victory. Looks like Shawn Michaels settled his Casket Match debt form the 1998 Royal Rumble (which I witnessed live). If you remember Kane helped HBK win his Casket Match against The Undertaker back at that event.
In other Kane news, Kane will be involved in Raw’s Main Event contribution to Survivor Series. The Elimination Chamber (which will be explained next week on Raw) will be a six-man match for the World Heavyweight Championship. It will be HHH defending against Y2J, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels, and Kane. Once again Kane has a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!
And finally, I would like to talk about “Kanenites Unite”. It is the newest Kane Message Board to hit the Internet. I would like to encourage all the Kanenites from around the world to “unite” and help make it the biggest gathering of Kane fans on the World Wide Web.
Kane Quote of the Week: "...What happened to Katie Vick was an accident. But What I do to Triple H tonight.. That won't be!"

Saturday October 26, 2002 – Meet Kane in Boston on Nov. 4th

If you are going to be in or near Boston on November 4th, Kane, The Hurricane, Spike Dudley and Al Snow will participate in a Smackdown Your Vote! rally at Northeastern University's Krentzman Quad at 12 p.m. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Curry Student Center, 2nd floor.

Monday October 21, 2002 – Screw Triple H!!!

Kane gets revenge on Triple HRaw started off tonight with Triple H gloating about his victory over Kane at No Mercy on Pay-Per-View. He claimed that he had a video tape that would prove just how sick Kane really is. Kane’s loyal tag team partner, The Hurricane tried to retrieve the tape, but he was no match for HHH and Ric Flair.
After Kane arrived at the arena, Triple H unveiled his footage… It was a very disturbing mock-up of HHH dressed as Kane having sex with Katie Vick’s dead body. Triple H has gone way to far. This footage was both disgusting and distasteful. But Kane would get his revenge.
The main event arrived. It was a tag match between HHH/Ric Flair and Rob Van Dam/Kane. The match ended when RVD picked up the pinfall over The Nature Boy following the Five-Star Frog Splash. But the real action took place after the match was over. Kane beat the hell out of Hunter all the way to the parking lot; where he stuffed him into the trunk of a waiting car and drove off. I can’t wait till next week to see what Kane has in store for the Game.
Kane Quote of the Week: "…Now I’m gonna screw you! The only question is: Will you still be alive, or will I just wait until you’re dead?"

Monday October 21, 2002 – Meet Kane in Topeka on the 25th

If you are going to be in or near Topeka, Kansas on October 25th, Kane will be signing autographs from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Landon Arena, just prior to the WWE event at the facility. So make sure you head on over on the 25th to meet the Big Red Machine.

Sunday October 20, 2002 – Kane’s No Mercy Match

HHH gets the best of Kane at No MercyTonight’s World Heavyweight/Intercontinental Championship unification match between Kane and Triple H ended with Triple H pinning Kane after a Pedigree to retain the World Championship, and dissolve the IC belt. Even though Kane lost the match, I wasn’t too disappointed, since Kane dominated HHH like only the Big Red Machine can. Due to the aid of a sledgehammer and Ric Flair’s assistance, Triple H was able to score the victory. But the is one more feather that Kane can add to his cap… He is the last man to ever hold the WWE Intercontinental Championship. One thing I know for sure, This feud with HHH is far from over, and The Heavyweight Title is defiantly in Kane’s near future… I can’t wait until tomorrow nights RAW to see what will happen next.
Also, don’t forget to check out Kane on the 10/18/02 edition of Byte This. (If you haven’t already). And, there is an interview with the Big Red Machine over at WWE.com

Friday October 16, 2002 – New Kane Shirt!!!

WWEShopZone.com has just posted a brand new Kane T-Shirt. Click HERE to go there and grab yours up right now.

Monday October 14, 2002 – Raw & The Road to No Mercy

Raw.wwe.comTonight's broadcast of Monday Night Raw started out with Kane and The Hurricane defending the World Tag Team titles against Chris Jericho & Christian. With the accusations by Triple H regarding Kane’s past hovering in the air, there was no question that Kane’s heart was not in the match. Illegally using the ropes for added leverage, Jericho was able to score the pinfall over The Hurricane to snatch up the titles. Thus ruining Kane's chances to be the first WWE Superstar to simultaneously hold all three major championships.
A little later in the show HHH gave Kane an ultimatum: Either Kane publicly confess to the world, or The Game would do it for him. With a little advice from his friend Terri, Kane decided to publicly address these hideous allegations.
Kane admitted that Katie Vick was dead, but he did not murder her. He explained that she was a good friend of his ten years ago, and that she was accidentally killed in a car accident where Kane had been the driver. But that wasn’t good enough for Triple H. He accused Kane of having been drunk at the time of the accident. He even accused The Big Red Machine of raping Katie’s dead body. This left Kane speechless, and HHH’s comments were met with the “Asshole” chant.
Kane obviously upset with HHH then left the building. But he wasn’t gone for good. He returned at the conclusion of the main event and dished out Chokeslams to anyone who stood between him and Triple H. The Game is trying to take Kane’s mind of his World Title match this weekend, by playing these mind games. But, I think that he has just poured gasoline on the flame that fuels Kane’s fury. Kane is one man that you don’t want pissed off at you. And the loss of the Tag titles will only add to his motivation this Sunday. Triple H’s days as Champion are numbered.
And on a second note… Jerry “The King” Lawler spent the entire night talking about Kane being a murderer. I’d watch my mouth if I were Lawler, Kane might just have a Chokeslam with his name on it.
Kane Quote of the Week: "If I stay here, I will do something that I'll regret for the rest of my life."

Friday October 11, 2002 – Random Thoughts...

Mortal Kombat/Paul BearerWWE is sponsoring a contest for the upcoming Midway videogame release, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. You can win the opportunity to go to New York and play against a WWE superstar. Kane is on all the ads for this contest. Mortal Kombat, has been one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, so it would be really cool to play my favorite video game with my favorite wrestler. For all the details click HERE.
Percy Pringle III, a.k.a. Paul Bearer announced last week on WWE.com that he will be leaving the WWE when his current contract expires on October 14. Check out his final commentary on WWE.com HERE.
The Shocking revelation on Raw by HHH has Kanenites everywhere wondering what’s going on with the Big Red Machine, and how could this affect his World Title match at No Mercy. One thing is for certain, if Kane could have murdered a human being… What in the Hell is he going to do to Triple H? If I were the Game, I’d be looking over my shoulder.
Also don't forget, if you can be in the Foxboro, Massachusetts area on October 18, 2002, Kane will be signing autographs beginning at 6 p.m. at Spooky World, which is located in the woods behind Gillette Stadium. Autographs are free with paid admission to the park.
And lastly, reports on this week’s edition of Byte This show that they are hopeful to get Kane on as a guest on next weeks show. That would be Friday October 18.

Monday October 7, 2002 – Kane a Murderer?

Kane defends the Tag Titles on his ownAll right Kanenites, lots of stuff to talk about tonight after Raw. First of all, Kane survived a grueling Tables Ladders and Chairs Match to retain the Tag Team Championship. Just before the match, Triple H and Ric Flair brutally attack The Hurricane (taking him out of the match). This left Kane defending the titles against Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam, Bubba Ray Dudley/Spike Dudley, and Christian/Chris Jericho all by himself. After a good half an hour of a match that would rival any recent Pay-Per-View main event, Kane emerged victorious.
But the real news comes from Triple H’s chilling revelation at the match’s conclution. HHH said that he knows about a woman named Katie Vick. And he knows that ten years ago, Kane killed her. “Kane, you are a murderer.” He said.
Could this be true? We all know that Kane is a ruthless monster in the ring. But, could he have really killed someone? We have to keep ourselves glued to Raw to see how events will unfold.
Kane Quote of the Week: “YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!”

Sunday October 6, 2002 – A Message From the Webmaster

I would just like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to the new and improved TheChokeSlam.cjb.net. You may be thinking to yourself… “Didn’t this use to be a Undertaker and Kane site?” Yes it did. This site was not updated for almost an entire year. So, when Kane returned, I decided to remake this site as an all Kane site. Since Taker is on SmackDown, and Kane is on Raw, it did not make sense to me to continue a Brothers of Destruction Website when they are not even on the same show. So I decided to go with the better of the two brothers and build this homage to the Big Red Machine. So anyway… The site is up and running now, and all the links work (I think). I will be adding more sections to the “Freaks Rule” section soon, so keep checking for updates.

Saturday October 05, 2002 – Happy Anniversary Kane!

Today marks the 5-year anniversary of Kane's arrival in the WWE. As you may know Kane made his debut at Badd Blood on October 5, 1997. And since then, Kane has survived the odds as a “Gimmick Wrestler” in the times of HHHs Rocks, and Stone Colds. Even The Undertaker gave up his Dead Man gimmick, but Kane still rocks the Hellfire like no one can! Congratulations Kane!
Meet Kane on Oct. 18
If you can be in the Foxboro, Massachusetts area on October 18, 2002, Kane will be signing autographs beginning at 6 p.m. at Spooky World, which is located in the woods behind Gillette Stadium. Autographs are free with paid admission to the park.

Monday September 30, 2002 – Kane Becomes a Double Champion!

Kane defeats Y2J to become the New Intercontinental ChampionNow for the second week in a row, Kane has left Raw with a new championship belt resting upon his massive shoulder, after defeating Chris Jericho tonight on Raw. This time Kane captures the Intercontinental Championship. Thus beginning his second reign as the IC champ. But this reign will defiantly come to an end one way or another at the upcoming WWE Pay-Per-View event No Mercy. For along with being the new Intercontinental Champion, Kane has secured his spot as the number one contender for the Heavyweight Championship of the World. And will face Triple H for that belt at No Mercy. Eric Bischoff has decreed that the winner of this historic match will unify the IC and the World Championship into one championship. So Raw will soon only have one singles champion and this is Kane’s big shot. One things for sure; Win or lose, Kane will go down in history as the last man to officially hold the Intercontinental Championship.
Kane Quote of the Week: “What can I say? Chicks dig the mask!”

Monday September 23, 2002 – Kane Wins Tag Team Gold!

Kane & Hurricane Chokeslam Christian and Storm for the Tag Team TitlesTonight on Raw, Kane teamed up with Raw’s newly acquired SmackDown talent, The Hurricane to take on the Un-Americans (Christian and Lance Storm) for the WWE Tag Team Championship. This being the first time the masked duo teaming up, the odds were against them. But the Un-Americans were no match for both Hurricane and Kane’s devastating Chokeslams. Kane and Hurricane emerged from Raw tonight the new WWE Tag Team Champions!