- "Did your mommy and daddy ever tell you that there's no such thing as a monster? Well they lied! I think you need to feel my pain!" - "Now you listen to me you little insect. You represtent everything I used to hate about myself. You dedicated your life to pleasing these people. You wanna know why I became a monster? Why don't you come down here and find out?" - "Shane McMahon... Last week I tasted your blood, and I liked it. I saw the terror in your eyes when I attacked you in that hospital, and I liked that too. Hell I loved it!" - "Say hello to your Mom for me!" - "You're goona make my life a living hell, huh Shane?" - "No one can help you now, Linda." - "You think you can stop me, Linda?" - "You make fun of me one time during this interview and I will set you on fire!" - "J.R. I was a normal happy child, until a fire turned me into a hidious monster." - "... so I had to hurt them, all of them." - "Look at me, J.R.! I'm a monster! Don't you see that?" - "How stupid do you think I am? I know as soon as I walk outta here your gonna make fun of me and laugh your ass of!" - "I tried to warn you! DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!" - "You wanna know why I do the things that I do? The only way that you can know is by experiancing them for yourself! You need to FEEL MY PAIN!!!" - "Fry you son-of-a-bitch! FRY!" - "I thought you said you weren't going to make fun of me!" - "You think I'm funny?!?" - "We need to talk." - "I DO hate you, Rob!" - "I HATE the fans!" - "Maybe I have changed, Rob. Maybe I have. But if you don't like it, dude, you don't have to stick around." - "I think it sucks... to be Three Minute Warning" - "...What happened to Katie Vick was an accident. But What I do to Triple H tonight.. That won't be!" - "Merry Christmas. I don't like Christmas and I don't like games." - "You got me Hungry Hungry Hippos?" - "When I was a kid, I was kept in the basement, where I tortured squirrels with razor blades." - "It is not a small world, it’s a painful ugly world!" - "Yeah, I can dig that...SUCKA!" - "Now I'm going to screw you, the only question is, will you still be alive, or will I just wait until you're dead?" - "When it comes to the ring... Luck is for losers!" - "You son of a bitch!" - "What can I say? Chicks dig the mask!" - "Now, wait a second Booker. These people didn't come here tonight just to see the spinerooni, they came here to see, the Kanearooni!" - "Just because I have a burnt face, that doesn't mean the rest of my parts aren't working just fine." - “It doesn’t matter if you’re ready! Because tonight, the Rock and Kane team up with Hulk Hogan. And you know somethin’, brothers?! Whether it’s the millions… and millions of Rock fans or 20,000 Hulkamaniacs or 20,000 screamin’ Kaneanites the question is, brothers what ‘cha gonna do? Scott Hall! Kevin Nash! X-Pac! What ‘cha gonna do, when Hulk Hogan, and the Rock, and the Big Red Machine run wild on you?! What ‘cha gonna do?! I’ll see you guys out there.” - "You better watch it bandana boy!" - “Your mammary glands don’t impress me, Trish” - “I don’t want to prove you wrong, Benoit. But to all those people who call me inhuman, who call me a freak, who call me a monster, I want to prove them right!” - “I was never picked last in kickball!” - “Oh yeah, I’m laughing on the inside.” - “Enjoy your championship belt…while you can.” - “You may be that damn good. But I am that damn bad!” - "We're going to do more than put those boys through tables, we're going to put um through hell!" - “Burn? You have no idea what it’s like to be Burned!” - "Just bring it, huh? Well, consider it brought." - “I am a monster!” - “Suck it!” - “Your hurt Sean. You hurt me. Undertaker, Big Show, tonight I’m gonna hurt you!” - "It’s me, Kane, against the world.” - "In this match, there ARE no allies! And, when it comes to the WWF Championship, I have no brother." - “Brother or no brother. Rock or no Rock. the WWF Championship is what I want. And, this Sunday, the WWF Championship is what I'll get!” - “Austin, this Sunday, this Sunday, the blood on you will be for real.” - “If I do not win the title, I will set my self on fire!”