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©2002 Wasteland Productions
This is not an official Website for Kane, and is not affiliated with Kane, WWE,
or any other Company. This site is maintained by Matt Burkett (who is not Kane).
est. October 28, 2001
Wednesday October 1, 2003 - TheChokeSlam.cjb.net Updates
Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 3 of the Photo Gallery
- Quoteable Kane section Updated
- New Poll of the Month CLICK HERE for last month's results
Wednesday September 24, 2003 – TheChokeSlam is back!!!
Well Kanenites, I know it has been a very long while since TheChokeSlam.cjb.net has been updated, but with all the recent computer complications behind me, I am ready to start regularly updating the site once again. A lot of exciting things have happened since last time the site was updated, so let me just go ahead and dive right in! as you probably know already, Kane was victorious in his match at Unforgiven against Shane McMahon. And you may have noticed that the Big Red Machine also has some new ring attire.
THQ will be releasing the 5th installment of its highly successful SmackDown video games at the end of October, and I am very pleased that they were able to change Kane’s look at the last moment to accommodate his lack of the mask. CLICK HERE to check out Kane’s feature article at IGN.com. And finally, All-Cool-Gifts.com is offering an exclusive Kane figure for sale on their website. This will be Kane's first figure without a Mask.
That’s all I have for now… I hope you all enjoy the new graphics, and I will (hopefully) be able to update once a week from now on. And now for a few updates…
Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 2 of the Photo Gallery
- Pay-Per-View History section updated with SummerSlam and Unforgiven results
Thursday August 7, 2003 - New Kane T-Shirt @ ShopZone!!!
That's right Kanenites! Now we can show our support for Kane's new look with a brand new WWE T-Shirt! CLICK HERE to head on over to wweShopZone.com and grab yours now! Well, that's enough of me pluging the crap outta the WWE merch... Now on to a little anouncement for fans of the SmackDown! Video games, WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain is set to be out on October 28, 2003! I am very excited about this game. There aren't any pics of Kane yet form this title, but as soon as there is I will be sure to let you know! That's about all I got for now, check out the updates, and I will check back in when I have more for ya!
Site Updates:
- 5 New Pictures on Page 1 of the Photo Gallery
- Added 1 New Affiliate and Link to Undertaker-WWE.com
- New "The Fire Still Burns" by Matt Burkett
Missed WWE RAW?

Click the image for Raw results.
Photo of the Week (Click to Enlarge)

Match of the Year Winner 2002
Quote of the Week
- "Did your mommy and daddy ever tell you that there's no such thing as a monster? Well they lied! I think you need to feel my pain!"
-Raw, September 29, 2003