- June 28, 1998: Kane defeats Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship
- June 29, 1998: Kane loses the WWF Championship to Stone Cold Steve Ausitn
- July 13, 1998: Kane/Mankind defeat The New Age Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Championship
- July 26, 1998: Kane/Mankind lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to Stone Cold Steve Austin/The Undertaker
- August 10, 1998: Kane/Mankind regain the WWF Tag Team Championship from Stone Cold Steve Austin/The Undertaker
- August 30, 1998: Kane/Mankind lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to The New Age Outlaws
- March 30, 1999: Kane/X-Pac defeat Jeff Jarrett/Owen Hart for the WWF Tag Team Championship
- May 25, 1999: Kane/X-Pac lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to The Acolytes
- August 9, 1999: Kane/X-Pac regain the WWF Tag Team Championship from The Acolytes
- August 22, 1999: Kane/X-Pac lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to The Undertaker/Big Show
- April 1, 2001: Kane defeats Raven & Big Show for the WWF Hardcore Championship
- April 17, 2001: Kane loses the WWF Hardcore Championship to Rhyno
- April 17, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker defeat Edge & Christian for the WWF Tag Team Championship
- April 29, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to Stone Cold Steve Austin/Triple H
- May 20, 2001: Kane defeats Triple H for the Intercontinental Championship
- June 26, Kane loses the Intercontinental Championship to Albert
- August 7, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker defeat Chuck Palumbo/Shawn O'Haire for the WCW Tag Team Championship
- August 19, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker defeat DDP/Kanyon for the WWF Tag Team Championship
- September 17, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker lose the WWF Tag Team Championship to The Dudley Boyz
- September 25, 2001: Kane/The Undertaker lose the WCW Tag Team Championship to Test/Booker T
- September 23, 2002: Kane/The Huricane defeat Christian/Lance Storm for the WWE Tag Team Championship
- September 30, 2002: Kane defeats Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship
- October 14, 2002: Kane/The Huricane lose the WWE Tag Team Championship to Christian/Chris Jericho
- October 20, 2002: Kane retires the Intercontinental Championship
- March 31, 2003: Kane/Rob Van Dam defeat Lance Storm/Cheif Morley for the (Raw) World Tag Team Championship
- June 15, 2001: Kane/Rob Van Dam lose the (Raw) World Tag Team Championship to Le Resistance