
January 20, 2002
Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble Match
Kane entered at #28. He eliminated Big Show. Kane was eliminated by Kurt Angle.
March 18, 2002
WrestleMania X8
Kane Vs. Kurt Angle
Angle defeated Kane via pinfall.
September 22, 2002
Kane/Booker T/Bubba Ray Dudley/Goldust Vs. Christian/Lance Storm/William Regal/Test
Kane pinned Lance Storm to secure the victory.
Octoberber 20, 2002
No Mercy
World Heavyweight/Intercontinental Championship Unifacation Match
Triple H (World Champ) Vs. Kane (IC Champ)
HHH (with help from Ric Flair and a Sledgehammer) scored the pinfall to retain the World Title and disolve the IC Title.
November 17, 2002
Survivor Series
World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber

Triple H (World Champ) Vs. Kane Vs. Y2J Vs. Booker T Vs. RVD Vs. HBK
Shawn Michaels Wins the World Title.
December 15, 2002
Kane Vs. Bautista
Bautista wins by Pinfall (with help form Ric Flair)
Photo courtesy All4Kane
