
January 18, 1998
Royal Rumble
Kane interfered in the Main Event Casket Match between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. Chokeslaming him into the Casket and locking it shut. He then preceded to burn the casket with Taker inside.
February 15, 1998
No Way Out
(of Texas)
Kane Vs. Vader
Kane defeated Vader via Pinfall. (Putting Vader out of action for months).
March 15, 1998
WrestleMania XIV
Kane Vs. The Undertaker
Kane began the match by attacking Baseball Legend Pete Rose.
The Undertaker defeated Kane in a No DQ match.
April 26, 1998
Kane Vs. The Undertaker
The Undertaker defeated Kane in an Inferno Match by setting his arm on fire.
May 31, 1998
Over The Edge
Kane Vs. Vader
Kane defeated Vader in a "Mask Vs. Mask" Match via pinfal.
Photo courtesy All4Kane
June 28, 1998
King of the Ring
Off With Their Heads
WWE Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champ) Vs. Kane
Kane defeated Stone Cold in a First Blood Match to become the new WWE Champion.
July 26, 1998
Fully Loaded
WWE Tag Team Championship
Kane/Mankind (Champs) Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin/The Undertaker
The Undertaker pinned Kane to become the new Tag Team Champions.
Photo courtesy All4Kane
August 30, 1998
Highway to Hell
WWE Tag Team Championship
Kane/ManKind (Champs) Vs. The New Age Outlaws
Billy Gunn pined Mankind to become the new Tag Team Champions.
Kane did not participate in the match. He attacked Mankind with a sledgehammer after the match.
September 27, 1998
WWE Championship (Triple Threat)
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Champ) Vs. Kane Vs. The Undertaker
Both Kane and The Undertaker pinned Steve Austin, thus making the WWE title vacant.
October 18, 1998
Judgment Day
WWE Championship
The Undertaker Vs. Kane (for the Vacant WWE Championship)
The special referee, Steve Austin declared this match a no contest.
November 15, 1998
Survivor Series
Deadly Game
The Undertaker Vs. Kane
The Undertaker Defeated Kane via pinfall. Kane later on cost Taker his match against The Rock.
December 13, 1998
Rock Bottom
Kane interfered in the Main Event Buried Alive match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Undertaker by Tombstoning Taker and helping Austin secure the victory.
